
The world needs leaders. People who question things, who have visions and who inspire others. The first step to becoming such a leader is to become aware of one’s personality, including one’s strengths as well one’s rough edges. Only then authentic and responsible leadership is possible. At the Summer Academy YOUNG TITANS young people meet completely different types of leaders, who all have found their own individual path in their professional and personal lives. But they have one thing in common: they are successful in what they do. They wish to encourage young people to do things in their own way. All mentors support the Summer Academy on a pro-bono basis.

The Summer Academy YOUNG TITANS considers itself to be an innovative, democratic, ideology-free platform, enabling dialog between international honorary mentors from all areas of society and students and young professionals.

While previous academies in 2013 and 2014 were limited to active or former top managers from the worlds of business and economy, in the recent years we expanded the leadership concept to include political, social, intellectual, cultural, media and spiritual leadership. We are convinced that we can only shape the future of our society in a sustainable and reasonable manner if we look beyond the economic sector to the entire reality of our society. Where do we want to go? What is most important to us? Besides the practical, immediate career-related topics, those questions are also discussed during the Summer Academy.